Tchibo ideas

Little customers take center stage in this Tchibo ideas campaign: 'real' kids were invited to show and tell us what they like to play.

The kids' live actions combined with animations take us into imaginative wonderlands of adventurers and fairies – worlds which grown-ups usually never get to experience.

Tchibo is always on a quest for the special things that make life more beautiful and enjoyable, from exquisite coffee to innovative products and travel.

The plattform Tchibo ideas invites customers to become part of this quest – to participate in workshops, share ideas, design and test new products.

The campaign began with an application phase on Facebook and The films were shown on Youtube and Facebook. They promoted a toy collection, just in time for Christmas. For more details visit


Wünsche werden Weihnachten - Feen und Ritter

Wünsche werden Weihnachten - Kleine Entdecker

Wünsche werden Weihnachten - Geschenke für große Kids

Roles & responsibilities

Nora’s role: idea, concept, creative direction.
Script and editing supervision in collaboration with Wiebke.

Agency Liquid Campaign
Client Tchibo ideas
Concept, Creative Direction Nora Grøtting
Producer, Director Wiebke Heygster
Motion graphics Johannes Blümel
Film Production 27km